cleaning news

Monsoon tips: Simple ways to get rid of dampness and smell from clothes

During this season each year, our closets tend to develop a unpleasant, musty odor, often a consequence of the humidity accompanying the monsoon. The situation might be more pronounced this year due to the prolonged period of not wearing our finer garments, exacerbated by the ongoing pandemic. However, there are several simple home remedies to alleviate this issue and restore a fresh feel to your wardrobe.

1. **Vodka:**
Vodka, known for its mood-lifting properties, can also combat monsoon dampness. Transfer a small amount into an empty spray container, dilute it with water, and then spray it directly onto clothes. The odor dissipates swiftly, leaving your clothes refreshed.

2. **Lemon Juice:**
The versatile lemon juice, with its acidic nature, can eliminate fungi responsible for musty smells. Create a powerful cleaning solution by mixing lemon juice with water. Apply it specifically to the areas with the odor, then wipe the surface with soap and water for a revitalized wardrobe.

3. **Baking Soda:**
A household essential, baking soda proves effective for various issues. Simply sprinkle it on areas that appear moldy or emit unpleasant odors to address the problem. Its absorbent properties work wonders in eliminating mustiness.

4. **Vinegar:**
Beyond its culinary uses, vinegar is a household favorite for multiple purposes. Since fungi struggle to thrive in acidic conditions, vinegar’s acidity makes it effective. Pour a small amount of vinegar in areas showing signs of mold, then wash them. This simple step can eliminate unwanted odors and contribute to a fresh environment.